Nitya Sidha and Sadhna Sidha.

Hare Krishna.

12th March, 2014, Gurgaon.


It was Ekadeshi and in the evening Guarav and Subir Prabhu came home to meet me after a long time, in fact first time after I shifted in the new home. Shyam Sundar Prabhu too joined in and we had a nice Ishtagoshti going.

We discussed so many topics and after sometime, after a quick evening arti, I read the following verse from Srimad Bhagavatam.

SB 3.3.26
tatra snātvā pitṝn devān ṛṣīṁś caiva tad-ambhasā
tarpayitvātha viprebhyo gāvo bahu-guṇā daduḥ


After arriving there, all of them took bath, and with the water of this place of pilgrimage they offered their respects to the forefathers, demigods and great sages and thus satisfied them. They gave cows to the brāhmaṇas in royal charity.

Srila Prabhupada starts the purport as below

Amongst the devotees of the Lord there are several divisions, mainly nitya-siddhas and sādhana-siddhas. The nitya-siddha devotees never fall down to the region of the material atmosphere, even though they sometimes come onto the material plane to execute the mission of the Lord. The sādhana-siddha devotees are chosen from the conditioned souls. Out of the sādhana devotees, there are mixed and pure devotees. The mixed devotees are sometimes enthusiastic about fruitive activities and are habituated to philosophical speculation.

As I completed reading the full purport and was going to the next verse Shyam Sundar Prabhuji asked me sweetly ‘ Prabhuji first please explain this verse to us ‘. I had not really understood the above lines from the purport and so I read them again loudly. Shyam Sundar Prabhuji asked what is the difference between a Nitya Sidha and a pure Sadhna Sidha and whether a Sadhna Sidha can become a Nitya Sidha ? I replied that I have not idea and I  would not like to speculate. HG Vidurpriya Prabhuji taught, with his own example, not speculate when we don’t know the answer. He told us, jokingly, that speculation is like breaking one of the regulative principle, no gambling ! We all discussed it for some time and then it was time to call a devotee for help. I called up HG Karuna Prabhu, who was in train coming back from Mayapaur to Delhi. Prabhuji explained us very nicely. He replied that Nitya Sidhas are eternal servants of Krishna and no one can ever take their place, e.g. Yashoda mayi, Nanda maharaj and so on. On the other hand Sadhna Sidhas are conditioned souls who can reach the same platform as Nitya Sidha, i.e., serving Krishna in the spiritual sky, by virtue of their devotional service but they do not and can not become Krishna’s eternal servants.

Fully Satisfied, by that time I had also checked on reference from Srila Prabhupada and found the below informative piece by His Divine Grace.

There are two kinds of devotees, three: nitya-siddha, sadhana-siddha, krpa-siddha. These things are described in The Nectar of Devotion. Nitya-siddha means they are eternally associate of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. They are called nitya-siddha. And sadhana-siddha means one is fallen in this material world, but by practice of devotional service according to the rules and regulation, injunction of the sastra, direction of guru, in this way, one can reach also the same position as the nitya-siddha. This is sadhana-siddha. And there is another. That is Krpa-siddha. Krpa-siddha means… Just like Nityananda Prabhu. He wanted that these Jagai-Madhai must be delivered. There was no sadhana. They never followed any rules and regulation. They were thieves and rogues, very fallen condition. But Nityananda Prabhu wanted to show an example that “I shall deliver these two brothers. Never mind they are so fallen.” That is called krpa-siddha. So we should always remember there are three categories: nitya-siddha, sadhana-siddha and krpa-siddha. But when they become siddha, perfect, by any process, they are on the same level. There is no distinction.

(Srimad-Bhagavatam 7.9.7 Mayapur, February 27, 1977 )

It is amazing how each of Srila Prabhupada’s purports contains such complete and rich information. It seems each of purport his has keys to so many spiritual informative vaults. It is sad that I still read each verse in a hurry, without absorbing and relishing each single sentence carefully.

And lastly again the point of Sadhu Sangha. I again realised how in the company of intelligent devotees like Shyam Sundar Prabhu, Gaurav prabhu,  I learn 10 times more. Shyam Sundar Prabhu ask questions so tactfully and intelligently. He changes the discussion completely, engaging devotees and making a simple discussion so much more interactive. He cajoles devotees to open up in a very subtle way, always asking open-ended questions. No doubt Prabhuji is so successful in both the material as well as the spiritual world.

The day ended with sumptuous Prasadam by my wife, Priti. It was one of the best ekadeshi prasadam I had and that too with such good company. I really wish and pray that I can have such association every single day for the rest of my life.

sadhu-sanga sadhu-sanga sarva sastre kaya lava matra sadhu sange sarva siddhi haya

The verdict of all revealed scriptures is that by even a moment’s association with a pure devotee, one can attain all success.  (CC. madhya22.54)

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.

All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga.

Srila Prabhupada is always with us

Hare Krishna.

It was 3rd June 2012, a Sunday. I went to the temple in the morning, attended Guru puja, listened to a cheerful  Bhagvatam class, had prasadam and  later completed most of my balance rounds sitting there. I felt very peaceful and fulfilled. I again wished if someone would have been there to sit with me and teach me something , anything. I had the whole day off. There was no one at home that day so no hurry to go back. I felt a little sad that I have all the time today and no one to teach my anything. I went to the temple shop and bought a copy of Brahma Samhita.

I don’t know what prompted me to buy Brahma Samhita. I had another copy at home and I had tried reading it but could not progress very far. I tried again today, sitting in the temple.  The initial verses were difficult to read but I continued. The initial 10 or so verses , specially their purports went all over my head as the English itself was very difficult to comprehend by my poor intelligence. From verse 11 to 28 it became better and from 29th onwards it became easy to understand and was very nice to the heart. I stopped at verse no 37 as the purport was quite long.

I came back home. I tried to reading it but could not concentrate. I slept and woke up at 4 pm and started reading it again. The next two hours proved to be one of the most productive of my life. The whole book seemed to so easy and full of delectable juice, it was as if someone is teaching me. Slowly, many topics like gopi’s paramour relationship with Krishna, explanation of Shambhu ( Siva) , Brahma, Ganesh, Durga all became clear. It was so simple yet profound. Then the last 5 verses were like cherries on top. I could not have asked for more simpler definition Bhava and then such nice explanation of Bhakti in the purport of verse no. 61.

For a strange reason I kept on looking at my watch while reading as I could not believe that all this information I am able to understand in such a short time.

I realised that day I am not alone in my spiritual journey, Srila Prabhupada is there with me, I only need to have a sincere desire in my heart. I thank all the senior devotees for giving me intelligence to realise it.

Srila Prabhupada ki Jaya.

After the elephant’s bath

My glum feeling continued, which I shared under `Elephant’s bathing’ post. I felt very gloomy the whole evening and did not know what to do. Should I share with anyone, Sumeet Prabhu or Karuna Prabhuji ? Or should I share with my Guru Maharaj or HG Rukmini Krishna Prabhuji and tell them how much I can fall. Let them scold me. I felt ashamed telling them, I also thought do I have to always approach them with what is bad happening within me. I then thought of driving to Vrindavana and try to get myself `purified’. None of these suggestions would make me feel at ease.

I woke up next morning at 3.30am, slept back, and then waking up again at 5.30am I resolved to go to Punjabi Bagh temple. It was a working day for me but somehow I listened to my inner self and went there.

I reached temple around 9.15 am. It was a festive atmosphere due to Balram Jayanti, and as a special bonus HH Lokanath swami maharaj was giving the morning class on Balram Katha.  HH Lokanath swami maharaj ki jai ! I felt somewhat at ease and tried to  listen attentively.  The katha got over around 10am and then the darshan opened.

As I looked at the beautiful Sri Sri Krishna Balram, I realised something ticked inside me.  As I paid my obeisances, I felt Lord Balram asking me `will you stop doing `it’.’ He didn’t scold me or didn’t make me remember my problem, just said will I stop it.  In my own heart I replied to Him that I try sincerely but still lose control over my mind. I told Him if He were to hold my hand then I won’t do it again, ever. But He will have to promise me that He will not leave my hand. He replied in affirmative and gave me His hand to clasp. I held His hand and my obeisances were complete.

I was immediately cheerful, thankful and so full of energy. I wanted to sing, I wanted to dance and dance right there. Of course, the hall was full to its capacity and everyone was jostling to take their Lordship’s Darshan. I went outside the temple and  bought a pair of garlands, offered it to Sri Krishna and Sri Balram with my deepest feelings of gratitude. I then paid my obeisances to Srila Prabhupada, thanked him profusely for such good association all around me and came out a changed man.

I have resolved to keep my promise to Lord Balram and would not dare to spoil my new found friendship with Him, not the least at the cost of my roving rascal mind. I will never ever leave His hand.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.

All Glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga.

Simple heart Vs self pity

I learnt an important lesson on June 10th this year.

I was getting myself deeper into a self pity mode.  That’s when I read one transcription of HH Romapad swami maharaj. He instructed that `we should not let ourselves fall into self pity mode and it is best to keep our heart simple and and always be greatful to the Lord for what he has given us.’

These words stuck me like thunder and I realise that I have to snap out of this self pity mode and I did it. Thank you so much Maharaj for this wonderful instruction.

Over the time I realised that as we become more greatful to Krishna our hearts turns softer and softer. I also realise that as our dependence on Krishna increases, He guides us.

To those who are constantly devoted to serving Me with love, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me. (Bg 10.10)

Thank you Srila Prabhupada for constantly showing right directions to a neophyte like me, I know you are there with us, guiding each of your follower and well wisher.

Srila Prabhupada’s purports give us complete knowledge


Since last one week or so I was trying to read NOI as I realised that even after reading it in the past I don’t know much about it, beyond the surface level reading. I downloaded various lectures by senior devotees and downloaded few notes posted on iskcondesiretree and was unsuccessfully trying to learn the `deeper’ meaning of each verse.

Today morning as I sat again to learn the first and second verse I opened pocketveda on my ipad and as I started reading the verse first and then instead of going back to my downloaded notes I felt like again reading Srila Prabhupada’s purport, after reading 3 paras of second verse’s purport the meaning came in a flash to me, I was shocked the way I was able to absorb it.

I realised that atleast for me reading Srila Prabhupada’s books are best way forward. My hankering for reading previous acaraya’s books came down drastically today morning as I realise that Srila Prabhupa has given us jist of all vedic literature. If I understand them well then may be in future I can understand other books better.

I was hopping like a monkey from one book to another and from one lecture to another. I let my own mind and intelligence take the decision over faith in instructions of my diksha and siksha gurus to read only Srila Prabhupada’s books and do not read too many books. I beg forgiveness at their lotus feet and promise to first read all of Srila Prabhupada’s books diligently and beg all vaisanava to help me develop faith in Guru, Shastra and Sadhu.  Today I again realised that using my own intelligence I can’t reach anywhere.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.

  • Posted by Giriraj Das on August 10,2013 at 7:30am

A wonderful garden

The best thing we can all ask for and aspire for in our devotional service is to wish for Sadhu Sangha. All our Anarthas can be be gone with Sadhu Sangha and we can hope to get Krishna Prema one day.

Prabhupada made such a wonderful arrangement.

He created a garden full of blossoming flowers

And ensured that new flowers will continue to blossom even after he has left this planet.

This unique garden has gardeners, teachers, administrators…

This is a unique and the best garden in the whole world.

These flowers will continue to spread the sweetest smell of Krishna consciousness for next 10,000 years.

This beautiful garden has everything a soul can aspire for and then more.

And Prabhupada named this wonderful garden….ISKCON

  • Posted by Giriraj Das on June 8,2013 at 6:00am