Austerity and Krishna Consciousness

Hare Krishna

19th December


Sumeet Prabhu sent me the below blog of HH Kadamba Kanana Swami today morning.

`Choose your suffering’

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 02 October 2013, Melbourne, Australia, Srimad Bhagavatam 2.3.2-7)

Through celibacy, can we get love of God? You can be celibate for a hundred lifetimes, do you think that will give you love of God? No, it is devotional service that will give us love of God!

“I am married to a devotee!” Do you think that will give you love of God? No, you yourself will have to be a devotee as well. You will have to do devotional service. It is not automatic. Even a lion has to go out and chase for breakfast. It’s not that the deer runs into the mouth of the lion… So, we have to do something in devotional service and that is what counts. Ashram issues are not so important, it’s only external. In one or the another, you are going to have to take some tapasya (austerity),

tapo divyam putraka yena sattvam
suddhyed yasmad brahma saukhyam tv anantam (SB 5.5.1)

That is life in the material world, no matter what you do, there is tapasya. You decide which tapasya you like better; that’s what it is all about – the tapasya of being married or the tapasya of being alone. You decide as both have tapasya. Material life has that element of tapasya, of some austerity. Inevitably so, no one can avoid it – it is basically the design of the material world therefore Lord Rshabdev pointed this out to his one hundred sons – this human form of life is not meant for sense gratification; it is not going to work. Therefore we shouldn’t be too particular about how we live but some things have to be a little suitable.

Krsna consciousness, bhakti, is not denying us this basic comforts. That is for the impersonalists. For them, everything in this material world is only maya. There is only maya in all directions therefore whatever they use has to be minimized… but we just use it for sustaining our Krsna consciousness, so sleep well – nice and warm and cosy, so that we can do devotional service – there is nothing wrong with that. Therefore we do not have to sleep on the hardest bed that we can find and use only a bed-sheet in the winter, no blanket!

I knew a devotee who never wore a kurta in winter, in Vrindavan. It was very cold and he was only wearing a lungi. You know, he lasted for fifteen years and then he got sick. What is the benefit of these things!? Great austerities – fasting, fasting, fasting… “I fast every ekadasi and dvadasi as well, for the last twenty-four years!”

Fine, you can do it for twenty-four lifetimes more and do you think you will make any more progress towards going back to the spiritual world with all your fasting!? Not really.

So, it is not by austerity that we will attain Krsna! Although, austerity is highlighted by Lord Rshabdev in the fifth canto of Srimad Bhagavatam, austerity in itself is not one of the limbs of bhakti. Renunciation and austerity are not limbs of bhakti. They don’t give you devotional service.

( Please read the full article at and many other gems. )

In fact I had read this a blog just a few days back, acknowledged the point Maharaj made and then  carried on as usual.

Surprisingly I was reading the below verse today morning and was contemplating on it, remembering what I had read few days back, when I received the above mail.

nāyaṁ sukhāpo bhagavān

dehināṁ gopikā-sutaḥ

jñānināṁ cātma-bhūtānāṁ

yathā bhakti-matām iha

“‘The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Kṛṣṇa, the son of mother Yaśodā, is accessible to those devotees engaged in spontaneous loving service, but He is not as easily accessible to mental speculators, to those striving for self-realization by severe austerities and penances, or to those who consider the body the same as the self.’

This verse from Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam (10.9.21) is spoken by Śrīla Śukadeva Gosvāmī. It appears within a passage in which he glorifies mother Yaśodā and other devotees of Kṛṣṇa by describing how they can subjugate Him with their love.

Then as the forwarded mail came from Sumeet prabhu,  I read Maharaj’s last para with concentration, and the above verse again, praying that I get the message and, mercifully, I got it. It took a devotee to drill the message of a sanyasi in my thick and poor brain.

Guru Maharaj often says that in this kali yuga the 4 regulative principles itself are our austerity. And too many  austerities make us remain on the bodily platform. Of course, to understand it properly and then practice it in our Sadhna Bhakti at that level is not easy for us.

But the message to me was clear that it is our spontaneous love for Krishna which will make us progress in our devotional service and the austerities won’t help me much.

Thank you so much Sumeet Prabhu for helping me absorb this message by sending this timely mail from HH Kadamba Kanana Swami today morning.

All glories to the wonderful devotees in ISKCON.

All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga.

What is the shape of the soul ?

Hare Krishna.

15th December.


Yesterday at Bhagavat Gita class with HG Vidur Priya Prabhuji proved to be extra beneficial for me. We were at chapter two and verse 17 of Bhagavad Gita. He asked everyone now that we all know what is the size the soul, can we tell what is the shape of the soul ? I never thought Soul could have any shape at that small a size and this questions never crossed my mind. Someone answered it should be circular as it is a perfect shape, someone else suggested it cant have a shape or it is just a light source, etc.. It was Pawan Prabhu who came close the answer and suggested a link with our spiritual self. Then prabhuji clarified that the shape of our soul is exactly as our Spiritual self, Sidh swaroop. Due to wrong consciousness or contamination it gets shrunk to the size described in scriptures, 1/10000 part of the tip of the hair. He further explained that when we begin our sadhna bhakti and the consciousness starts getting purified our gross and subtle body start becoming spiritualised.

Another important point he empahsised was that bhakti is all about right consciousness. The externals do not matter so much. He gave the example that when a person dies he gets the body depending upon what was his consciousness at the time of death. Now if someone puts a leave of tulsi leave or ganga jal in the mouth of that person then again that person may die thinking of the pious benefit Tulsi leave has or in a case of a devotee who shows gratitude and remember the service Tulasi Maharani does for Radha Krishna and though both person die with Tulsi leave in their mouth, the results would vary drastically depending upon the consciousness of each person.

He stressed the need for right consciousness in whatever activity we do in our lives especially in our sadhna bhakti. He added that is the reason Srila Prabhupada named our society as International Society of Krishna Consciousness.

We learn something every time we read a verse of Bhagavad Gita. It is a delight to see how effortlessly Prabhuji teaches us each verse so that everyone understands even the subtle points.

All glories to HG Vidur Priya Prabhuji.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Personal with book Bhagavatam

Hare Krishna.

26th October 2013


I had gone to to take darshan of  HG Rukmini Krishna Prabhuji few days back at Punjabi Bagh temple, he had been away for a long time. During our conversation I asked Prabhuji that I have completed reading the 2nd Canto and now looking to start 3rd Canto with his permission, he was happy and gave me the go ahead. I then enquired that do I really need to buy the whole set or I can read with pocket Vedas on my ipad. My concern was making space for so many volumes at home. By some senior devotee’s mercy I could get 2nd Canto as a single volume earlier and for the 3rd canto I had to buy the full set now.

Rukmini Prabhuji asked me how do I read Srimad Bhagavatam at home ? I told him that in the evening after doing arti I read atleast 1 verse daily. He asked me how do I treat the book, I replied that I have kept it in a book shelf next to altar and I touch it with my head before reading it and also speak verses glorifying Srimad Bhagavatam before I start reading it. He then asked me how do I read books on my ipad ? I told, rather sheepishly, that I read on it sitting on a recliner most of the time and many a times before going to sleep. Praabhuji then added that can you see the difference, do you ever touch your ipad on head before reading on it ! He further added that everyone has their own preferences but he believes that the book Bhagavatam is personal and reading on ipad not so.

Of course he was right, I could suddenly see how high I hold the Book Bhagavatam. I never accord the same to the electronic ipad while reading on it. I had my answer.

So today morning the full set of Book Bhagavatam blessed our home.

idam bhagavatam nama
puranam brahma-sammitam
cakara bhagavan rsih
nihsreyasaya lokasya
dhanyam svasty-ayanam mahat
This Srimad-Bhagavatam is the literary incarnation of God, and it is compiled by Srila Vyasadevaa, the incarnation of God. It is meant for the ultimate good of all people, and it is all-successful, all-blissful and all-perfect. (Bhag 2.1.8)
krsne sva-dhamopagate
dharma-jnanadibhih saha
kalau nasta-drsam esa
puranarko ‘dhunoditah
This Bhagavata Purana is as brilliant as the sun, and it has arisen just after the departure of Lord Krsna to His own abode, accompanied by religion, knowledge, etc. Persons who have lost their vision due to the dense darkness of ignorance in the age of Kali shall get light from this Purana. (Bhag 1.3.43)

All glories to HG Rukmini Krishna Prabhuji.

All glories to Srimad Bhagavatam.

All glories to Sri Guru and sri Gauranga.


There are no coincidences in Krishna Consciousness

Hare Krishna.

I have never believed in coincidences nor took too much notice of them ever in my life.

But to my surprise I have found myself increasingly taking more hints than ever in my life. I wrote in brief about it in my earlier blog on Parmatama a few days back.  I am sharing the latest incident which happened on 19th Oct which made me share it again on this topic.

I am quite dunce, more so in taking hints and my wife can share a long list on this topic. Over the last one year I have been getting so many hints, and such broad ones, that I have no other option but to notice them. It is like someone is raising a flag in front of me to notice the obvious hint.

Be it a trip, a lecture, seeing Lord, the hints have started dropping in like never before.

Sumeet Prabhu called me up on 19th morning around 7.45am. He had just returned from USA was sharing his experience at Seattle temple and in general about our spiritual journey. During the conversation he spoke about HH Bhakti Tiratha Swami ji and then suggested  that I should read the book `Surrender’ by Maharaj. I replied with a lame yes but in my mind I thought I already have so many books to read and I don’t want to read too many books. Then the topic changed and we spoke about whether devotees should glorify each other or not. Inspite of good council by Sumeet Prabhuji in the past I stood on my ground that too much glorification among neophytes may lead to pride and then fall down. After talking for some time I requested Sumeet Prabhuji that I need to listen to the weekly lecture of HG Rukmini Krihsna Prabhuji over internet and we will meet on Sunday morning at the temple and catch up.

The lecture had already begun by the time I logged in and Prabhuji was speaking about envy. To my utter surprise after a few minutes HG Rukmini Prabhuji too talked about HH Bhakti Tiratha Swamiji and then asked the audience to read … what else… his book `Surrender’   ! I could not believe my ears. And then the next big surprise, after the lecture was a over a devotee asked prabhuji what should we do when we get appreciation or if someone over-glorify us. Prabhuji explained that it is all right  to accept glorification and we should accept it with proper etiquette. We should not reply that please don’t speak like this and then get into a verbal duel with the other person on how we don’t deserve it. He explained that glorification cleanses the speaker and it is also our seva to accept it, he quoted the words  Dadati Pratigrihnati, it is both accepting and giving . He explained that we should fold our hands and accept it, ensuring that we don’t get puffed up inside, we should then immediately transfer it to the Guru Paramapara. We should say `thank you so much that you could see this particular quality in me, it is all thanks to the mercy of Guru and Guru Parampara. Prabhuji explained that if we don’t allow the other person to speak then we stop other person’s cleansing and we too miss an opportunity to glorify Guru Parampara. It is win win for both provided we don’t `drink’ the glorification our own self.

The same evening HG Asit Prabhu spoke about … what else.. glorification of devotees among themselves, at the Gurgaon centre.

Now is there any way I could have missed the point ??

How merciful are all the Vaishanavas and how merciful is the sweet Lord who guides us repeatedly even when we ignore Him continuously. We all must learn to keep our internal ears tuned to the messages from the Lord. I have no idea how this tuning happened and I can take it as a causeless mercy of Guru Maharaj (how everything is happening so fast since I got initiated), HG Rukmini Krishna Prabhuji, HH Bhakti Madhurya swamiji, the wonderful devotees of Gurgaon, my sweet Lord and all the Vaishnavas whose heart is as soft as melted butter.

Or May be the most undeserving get most mercy. I remain most grateful and the only way I can hope to reciprocate is by praying that I get a chance to serve the Vaishanavas, ISKCON and my Guru Maharaj.

All Glories to Guru Parampara.

All Glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Lectures with deep philosophy

Hare Krishna.

Till now, I would  always `judge’ devotees based on how they would give lectures. Similarly when some `simple’ lecture would be going on I would get impatient and would pray that Prabhu ji will soon discuss something important or `deep’. It is only recently that I realised how foolish I was, or rather I am, that most of the time the limitation is not with the speaker but with the listeners. An intelligent speaker always see who is the general audience, he then speaks according to what they can absorb rather than what only a few devotees can relish. I realised that the the austerity may be with the speaker who may wish to speak of deeper topics but has to control himself for the benefit of the majority of listeners. I touch my ears and promise myself never to judge devotees based on their lectures.

I also realised that  all the limitation is within me if I can’t get taste out of simple topics.

All glories to the ever merciful Vaishanavas.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Paramatma in our heart

Hare Krishna.

few days I was looking back at my short spiritual journey and wondering how so many bad vices are having less effect on me now. I know for sure that it is not that suddenly I have developed a great will power.

I realised that the major factor which helps me is my acceptance and acknowledgment that  Paramatama is sitting with in my heart.  It took me some time but once I started `experiencing’ Him it became very difficult for me to overlook Him. When I `do’ something which isn’t right then most of the times I become conscious that He is watching me `doing’ it. After a few `misses’ I could no longer ignore Him.

upadraṣṭānumantā ca
bhartā bhoktā maheśvaraḥ
paramātmeti cāpy ukto
dehe ’smin puruṣaḥ paraḥ

Yet in this body there is another, a transcendental enjoyer, who is the Lord, the supreme proprietor, who exists as the overseer and permitter, and who is known as the Supersoul.                (BG13.23)

I also realised that I can’t request Sri Radha Shyamsundar to enter my heart if They have to watch me doing all this monkey business.

All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga.

Finding Faults: My biggest disease

Hare Krishna.

I read another pastime  of Srila Prabhupada today morning by Janananda Maharaj sent by HG Chitralekha Devi Dasi mataji. It read:

Prabhupada asked for water. Amogha, who was holding the microphone at the time, got up and went to the kitchen.

Amogha: “In the kitchen a lady handed me a silver tray on which was a pitcher of cold water, with ice in it, and a drinking cup or goblet upside down. The drinking cup had a long slender base that widened at the bottom. As I brought it in I couldn’t understand that it was upside down so I conjectured that it was a funnel which would fill the cup if I poured the water into it. I came close to Srila Prabhupada and nervously, in front of the guests, I poured the water into the bottom of the cup which was standing upside down on the tray. Naturally the water spilled out onto the tray, but I didn’t notice. I thought, ‘They put a funnel there so I wouldn’t spill it’. Srila Prabhupada looked at me and the tray and Srila Prabhupada said, ‘What is that?’ I said, ‘Water, Srila Prabhupada’, and Srila Prabhupada said, ‘NO, what is THAT?’, referring to what I was doing. People began to jump up to assist, but suddenly it dawned upon me what I had done. ‘Oh, No!’ I exclaimed and I poured the water out of the base and filled the cup properly. It was a big embarrassment. Everyone was on edge about it. Red-faced, I sat down where I had been before. At the time I walked in with the cup, Prabhupada was preaching about how people have misused their intelligence. Then I interrupted with the water blunder. After I sat down again Srila Prabhupada said, ‘Misused intelligence’, and everyone laughed heartily and felt relieved. Prabhupada could always say something at the right time that would put everybody at ease.”

As I finished reading the last line I could not understand why is this pastime being mentioned in the first place as I could only read embarrassment in it. It took me couple of seconds to realise their surrender to Srila Prabhupada. Whatever way Srila Prabupada conducted with them,  for them it was coming from Krishna directly. They had understood the meaning of complete devotion to Guru and they know that every action from Srila Prabhupada was for their own betterment.


p style=”text-align: justify;”>aslishya va pada-ratam pinashtu mam
adarsanan marma-hatam karotu va
yatha tatha va vidadhatu lampato
mat-prana-nathas tu sa eva naparah

I know no one but Krishna as my Lord, and He shall remain so even if He handles me roughly by His embrace or makes me brokenhearted by not being present before me. He is completely free to do anything and everything, for He is always my worshipful Lord, unconditionally.

I knew in a split second that this is what I lack. I judge devotees, and for that matter, everyone else. Neither I have complete faith in Guru and Krishna. I also suffer from another disease of being able to find fault in others.

I had attended a lecture of HG Damodar Prabhuji many months back in Gurgaon where he mentioned that the definition of `Muni’ is the one who does not find fault in others. So I thought let me ask him only for a solution. I requested him for a treatment for this disease to judge others. He instructed me to pray. So now I pray everyday to six Goswamis and Narsimha Deva to please have pity on me and remove this dreaded disease from my heart.

All Glories to all the sons and grandsons of Srila Prabhupada.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.

All Glories to the most soft hearted and most merciful Gaudia Vaishanva samradaya.

My prayers

Hare Krishna.


The first time I prayed with all my heart was when HG Sarvabhauma Prabhuji came to Punjabi Bagh temple and gave a lecture on atonement almost two years back. I used to feel a lot of guilt over my past karma and did not know how to get rid of them or ask forgiveness from all the people whom I hurt. All the past incidents would come into my thoughts as I would chant, it was getting difficult to chant. In the lecture Prabhuji mentioned that apart from our own lack of courage to face people and ask for forgiveness, we should also be careful that we don’t hurt them again by opening the old wounds and many a times people don’t see our bad intentions and don’t even know what transpired.  So he suggested a way around it. He told us that we can write all our past mistakes on a letter addressed to Krishna and ask  for forgiveness and a promise to not  repeat them. And later read the letter in front of the altar and again ask for forgiveness with all our heart . After completing it we should tear the lette and the guilt should go away. For me it was a message from Lord and it took me 3 days and many sheets of papers to write my past mistakes. As I wrote I was full of shame and surprised at what I did and wonder for what petty gains. So one morning I went to temple in the afternoon, read my whole letter to Krishna and Balrama and then tore the paper into pieces. It may sound unbelievable but all my guilt went away in less than a week and I could concentrate during my chanting.

Then another time was when I asked HG Rukmini Krishna Prabhuji that I am not able to find a Guru, I was completely blind that time with eyes anointed with ego, I feel ashamed to look back at my conversation. Prabhuji, all merciful,  listened to me patiently and then advised me to pray to Nityanand Prabhu and Lord Balram. I followed his instructions and started praying to Them. I met Guru Maharaj within few months. Hari Bol ! But I was, and still am, so ungrateful that  I didn’t thank any of my Lords. I thought it was all my good luck or my own enthusiasm which made it happen, more shame.

Third incident relates to my trip to Surat this year January to attend Brahma Samhita seminar by Guru Maharaj. I was most fortunate to share the room with HG Nanda Vraja Prabhuji from Auckland. We talked and discussed so many spiritual topics, I shared my concern on the slow progress my family in their devotional journey. He instructed me to recite Shad Goswami Ashtakam. He added that the six Goswami are most merciful and they will bless me to remove any impediments in my spiritual journey. I googled the ashtakam and found it had  difficult sanskrit words and I could not even recite it. I dropped the idea and forgot all about it once I came back home. Many months later,  I don’t remember what was the trigger, but I pulled myself to start reciting Shad Goswami Ashtakam every morning. Well, in next two months I could see the change which I would call nothing short of a miracle.

vande rupa-sanatanau raghu-yugau sri-jiva-gopalakau….. All glories to the six Goswamis.

All glories to the Wonderful institute of ISKCON and its glorious, and most merciful, devotees.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

All glories to Guru Maharaj.

Power of prayer


Hare Krishna.

I wrote in one of my previous blog that how I chant but do not pray to Lord so regularly.

Yesterday I was wondering why I pray so less. And this too when so many devotees   instructed me in the past to pray whenever I went to them with some difficulty in my spiritual progress. I had no clear answer. It is more bewildering when I look back and see that Srila Prabhupada, Lord Balarama, Guru Maharaj, whomsoever I prayed, those prayers have always been answered.

Few days back HG Chitralekha Devi Dasi Mataji sent me below mail. Mataji does a wonderful service by sending daily a pastime of Srila Prabhupada,  one can subscribe it at

Once, Srila Prabhupada gave a class at the Bhaktivedanta Manor in which he told the audience, “The difference between you and me is that you can fall down but I cannot fall down.” Later, after the class, Srila Prabhupada was praying in front of the deities, and one disciple asked him, “What were you praying?” And Srila Prabhupada replied, “I was praying that I may never fall down.” The disciple responded, “But in your talk you said that you can never fall down.” And Srila Prabhupada replied, “Yes, because I am always praying never to fall down, therefore I can never fall down.”

I could not keep these words from Srila Prabhupada’s away from my thoughts. Then I realised that this is the trick, to pray and pray continuously . I have to always depend on the mecry of senior Vaishanavas, acaryas and my Lord so I don’t fall. I realised it but didn’t put into practice.

Last Friday during at a prog at Sumeet Prabhhuji’s home I suggested a mataji that she should pray to Krishna. Later, I again thought why I am not praying so often, do I consider myself so advanced that I don’t need to pray. The answer was negative but it prodded me to start praying immediately, without any more delay or thinking.  It took association of devotees to finally get me started.

All Glories to merciful devotees !

I also realised that whole Srimad Bhagavatam is full of wonderful prayers and if those exalted devotees needed to pray then what chance do I have to progress in my devotional life without praying continuously. This process also helps me keep a check on my ego. I know that any progress in my material and spiritual life is due to mercy and not by own efforts.

Due to the mercy of Guru Maharaj,  Srila Prabhupada and association of devotees, I have started to pray regularly and I pray at the feet of all the vaishanava to please bless me that I never forget to pray.

I will share some of my experiences of praying in my next blog.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.

All Glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga.

Sri Radha Raman


Hare Krishna.

sometime in 2012

I had heard about Radha Ramanji temple many a times before and also seen His beautiful poster in the home of HG Radheshyam Prabhuji. There was a big curiosity in my heart to take His darshan.

Usually whenever I go to Vrindavan, my only home is Krishna Balram temple. I have been to Bankebihari temple a couple of times and took darshan of the beautiful Lord there but the whole rush of people and pushing & shoving doesn’t inspire me to go there regularly. So I am always happily situated within the ISKCON temple premises. In fact I have not been to any other temple in Vrindavan till that time in 2012.

This particular time, while I was in Vrindavan, I requested HG Vrajamohan Prabhuji to take me to Radha Ramanji temple and he kindly obliged.

We reached the temple in the evening. The outside surroundings were comparatively quieter than the normal hustle and bustle of Vrindavan.


Prabhuji told me how this particular Deity manifested on its own from the Shaligram Shila of one of the six Goswami, Gopal Bhatt Goswami. By a sheer coincidence, today is His appearance day.


Sri Gopal Bhatt Goswami ji Ki Jai !


Samadhi of Sri Gopal Bhatt Goswami inside Sri Radha Raman temple, Vrindavana

There were monkeys all around us , I had to remove my glasses, we entered the temple premises and first paid obeisances at his samadhi from outside the room.

Then we entered the temple compound. The darshan was closed and  it was very quiet, there was hardly any devotee inside. I sat down and the only thought which came to my mind was to chant. I sat in the compound and chanted and chanted. They were one of my best chanting rounds ever as I chanted only for the pleasure of  Sri Radha Raman. After some time one devotee started dancing in Indian classical style in the temple compound, no music, no beats, she was busy dancing for the Lord. Then I heard a very soft kirtan being done in another corner of the compound in local dialect. It was a transcendental atmosphere.


file picture of temple compound

After 40-45 minutes there was a sudden commotion, ringing of bells, and I knew that darshan have opened and Sri Radha Ramanji is ready to meet the devotees. I opened my eyes and looked around, the compound was full of devotees. As I got up and raised my head to see my Lord, my first reaction was that the He is so small, somehow I had imagined the Deity as life-sized but He was very small and so so very beautiful and with a very mystical smile on his sweet face. As I inched closer I was completely lost in is His sheer beauty. I saw one devotee using a binocular to see the Deity, Prabhu ji told me that if we were observe Him closely we can even see His teeth and devotees try to see His teeth using binoculars !

After initial jostling the crowd thinned out and I could stand comfortably and drink the nectar of Sri Radha Ramanji’s beauty with my eyes. After a short pooja, I saw the priest brought many small earthen pots. I found that it was Maha Prasadam . We took two pots and came out after paying our obeisances. I had to remove my glasses again. As stood in a corner, honouring the delicious prasadam, a monkey came like a flash and tried to pull the bags in my hand.  I could not see very well without my glasses but I held on to everything in my hands. The monkey took some prasadam, not the whole  bowl, gave his mercy in the form of a deep scratch at the back of my cellphone cover and then went away as fast as he came.  I took it as a mercy by one of the `Dham wasi’. We then walked back with the one of the most beautiful forms of the Lord etched deep inside my heart.

As I write I am telling myself to have darshan of Sri Radha Ramanji when I visit Vrindavan Dham next time, I promise myself that I would.

We can read more about the pastimes of Gopal Bhatt Goswami and the manifestation of Radha Ramanji in a detail at


Sri Radha Raman Hari Bol. Sri Radha Raman Hari Bol !