Initiation ceremony at Ujjain on Nityananda Trayodasi

Hare Krishna.

12th Feb, 2014, Ujjain.

There was an excitement in the air today morning. Today was Nityananda Trayodasi and initiations for the 8 fortunate devotees.

I got up a bit late, around 4.15am  and hurriedly got ready and was in the temple hall at 4.40am for the mangal arti. The temple hall was almost full. Guru Maharaj was singing the Guruvastakam in his ever melodious voice and devotees were in a transcendental trance completely absorb in the hearing Guru Maharaj’s voice and seeing the beautiful deities of Sri Radha Madanmohan, Sri Krishna Balram and Sri Gaur Nitai. Guru Maharaj left the temple hall after attending the Tulasi Arti. I felt cold and left for my room to chant and catch up with some sleep. I met Sumeet Prabhu on my way back to the room and we spoke for 15-20 minutes, I was as excited as prabhuji for his initiation ceremony.

I chanted my rounds for an hour and then tried to catch up with sleep. There was a knock on the door, I opened the door with half closed eyes, it was Sumeet Prabhu. He came inside and asked me if Giriraj Prabhu is here !! I told him I am his fallen servant, he laughed as he couldn’t recognise me in my night suite and without glasses. He need help to tie his Dhoti. When he left the room it was already 7.20am.

I changed and rushed back to temple to attend Guru Puja, which was half over. Everyone was waiting for the altar to open. Guru Maharaj was inside the altar room. One devotee told me that today’s darshan is going to be a special with peacock dress for the Deities.

The conch shell blew and t he altar doors opened, what a wonderful darshan. Deities seemed to be basking in their new dress !


As we started singing govindam adipurusham tam aham bhajami I suddenly heard peacocks singing in the temple. I looked back but there were no peacocks. I, then, realised that some enthusiastic devotee is mixing the sound of peacocks within the prayer and making it feel like as if peacocks are here !

After the arti everyone was waiting for the initiation ceremony to start. I chanted some more rounds basking in the bright sun in the corner of the outside verandah.

I saw Guru Maharaj going inside the temple hall. A quick dandavat and I ran inside the temple hall. Guru Maharaj gave an excellent lecture on importance of initiation. Few quick points which I was able to note on my mobile, please pardon me if there are any mistakes.

  1. Initiation means the beginning of the spiritual journey. Initiation is a formality, like we formally get admission in a school and get degree. We can study at home also but without a degree it is not recognised. Similarly without surrendering to a spiritual master the devotional journey is not recognised.

  2. The Sanskrit word diksha is a compound word and is derived from the two words ‘divya Jnana’ meaning  ‘transcendental knowledge’ and ‘kshiyate’ the verb ‘to destroy’. Hence it means that transcendental knowledge which destroy all sins.

  3. The spiritual master gives `Divya Jnana’ and the disciple goes back to the spiritual world. We need a vehicle to go to the spiritual world and that vehicle is the process of initiation.

  4. Mantra is actually the element which reveals the knowledge, by chanting the mantra and by meditating on the mantra.

  5. Earlier the mantras were kept secret and were given to the qualified disciples only. These were chanted in the ear so that others can not hear them.

  6. This was the process for mantra what to speak to Maha mantra. The difference is like machine gun and nuclear bomb, only very few add access to it. Similarly the we can take the example of diamond and Kohinoor diamond, the topmost diamond.

  7. Guru maharaj explained that beggars can never become millionaires. Only a king can make a beggar a millionaire. But kings  generally don’t do that. What if the king becomes mad, mad in Krishna Prema. So mahaPrabhu has asked Nityananda Prabhu to distribute this to everyone.

  8. Earlier only a Brahmin and that too only a qualified Brahmin could get a mantra. But MahaPrabhu kept no qualification or caste, anyone was welcome. MahaPrabhu asked Nityananda prabhu to distribute to everyone.

  9. MahaPrabhu said that `you can buy me through Mahamantra’.

  10. This way we are getting something which is not rare for even Lord Brahma and Lord Siva.

  11. Guru Maharaj then added that had Srila Prabhupada not gone to America and started ISKCON where would be all of us today ? What were we doing before joining ISKCON ? So we should realise our good fortune that we have got the top most mantra.

  12. Guru maharaj finally added that we need to take care of the offenses while chanting as offenses prevent Mahamantra to become effective. As an analogy consider what is common between a seed and a banyan tree. If the seed gets proper care then it becomes a tree. Similarly if we have faith as a fertiliser then we will see mahamantra as Krishna Himself. We need faith in our heart to make our heart fertile. Once the seed  becomes seedling then this `bhaktilata bija’ will grow and cross the material world, cross the Vraja river and then cross Vaikuntha and then land at the lotus feet of Krishna.

  13. Flower of this tree is bhava' and fruit of this tree is KrishnaPrema’.

  14. We must start our chanting with a prayer to Krishna to please protect me so that I don’t chant with offenses.


Then the initiation ceremony began with chanting of Brahma Samhita. Guru Maharaj again stressed that verses 29 to 56 are the very essence of Srimad Bhagavatam and we must understand and memorise them. All devotees were provided with printed copies of these verses and everyone recited them with Guru maharaj. The most fortunate devotees received their Hari Nama Diksha from Guru Maharaj. Guru Maharaj asked  to each of these devotees to promise him to never leave ISCKON come what may, they all promised.

And then the `Yajnana’ began.

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The ceremony  got over in next 30 minutes. Newly initiated devotees, purified and elated, came out to take blessings from everyone around them. The whole atmosphere was a mix of excitement and joy. We were all under the divine sky of Ujjain Dhama.

All glories to Nityananada Trayodasi.

All glories to the newly initiated devotees.

All glories to the Guru Parampara.

All glories to Guru Maharaj.

All Glories to Sandipani Muni.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Kirtan Mela at Ujjain

Hare Krishna.

11th Feb, 2014, Ujjain.


A trip to Ujjain is always very special. This time the trip had multiple causes. Firstly I had got initiated on Nityananda Trayodasi last year and I wanted to be with Guru Maharaj on this day. The second, far more joyous, reason was that my very dear friend, mentor and elder brother Sumeet Prabhu was going to get initiated along with two other senior devotees from Gurgaon, Pawan Prabhu and Pooja Mataji, on the same day. Thirdly there was a Kirtan mela at Ujjain temple and we would be able to attend atleast the 3rd day.

We reached Ujjain on 11th morning. I was fortunate to get a chance to travel with Sumeet Prabhu and his family and during the trip, as always, he subtly taught me many things. As a bonus HG Radhe Shyam Prabuji too travelled with us and in the morning I did chanted sitting with him for 3 hours. I was very inspired by his calm face and how he did his chanting with eyes closed and chanting softly. I tried to copy him by trying to close my eyes and chant but could not hold my eyes close for a more than few minutes before something or other will break my concentration. But I am going to try practicing it once I am back home.

Whenever I come to any ISKCON temple I feel like a girl who has come back to her parent’s home, her `mayakaa’. As soon we reached Pooja mataji called us to hurry up as HH BB Govinda Maharaj was playing for the last time before leaving Ujjain. I hurried and reached in time to hear maharaj live for the first time, HG Madhava Prabhu and his team were playing the musical instruments. The temple hall was almost full.


What a performance, it usually takes me some time to get `tuned’ into a Kirtan, especially if it is a large performance. It was within seconds that I was totally immersed in the kirtan. Maharaj has such a deep and powerful voice, after a few minutes I felt purified as if I have taken a bath in the Ganges river. The whole experience was awesome ! I sang so loudly that many a times my lungs and throat protested at such sudden enthusiasm ! It was food for my soul. After a while HH Chandramauli Swami Maharaja started dancing, he danced like a well trained dancer, dancing for the pleasure of Sri Radha Madanmohan. I felt the devdasi would similarly dance in front of Lord Jagannath. Then few more devotees followed Maharaj and then few more and in a short span the whole temple was dancing in sheer ecstasy of the Hole Name.

All glories to HH Bhakti Bhringa Govinda Swami Maharaja !

Guru Maharaj came towards the end of maharaj’s kirtan, and once the kirtan was over, Guru Maharaj glorified HH BB Govinda Maharaj profusely and praised his preaching and kirtan programs all over the world. HH BB Govinda Maharaj, who was leaving for Bangladesh, too glorified Guru Maharaj. He complimented Guru Maharaj . He complimented Guru Maharaj on the magnificent temple, beautiful Deities, top class service for the Deities and then added that he has never tasted a more delicious prasadam, as he had in last 3 days, in any temple all over the ISKCON world ! He also agreed to Guru Maharaj’s request to visit Ujjain again. They both hugged each other with such affection that it brought spontaneous clapping and Hari Bol from all devotees.


It was prasdam time and I was quite hungry. We had a sumptuous prasadam at the temple food hall with first class food and wonderful hospitality by local devotees. I also caught up with senior devotees from Jaipur Murari Prabhu and Vineet Prabhu, Mukunda Prabhu, so many Brahmachari’s from the temple and yet some more familiar devotees from all across the world. In just few hours I had completely forgotten that I even have a material life!

The next session started at 4pm. By the time I entered the temple hall it was already 5pm and  HH Chandramauli Swami Maharaja was doing the Kirtan. After his excellent Kirtan for an hour it was the turn of HG Madhav Prabhu to perform.

If HH BB Govinda Maharaj’s kirtan was like taking a dip in Ganges than Prabhuji’s kirtan was like being transported straight to Vrindavan. He sang slow, deep and with so much heart into it that I almost cried while singing in the Kirtan. Prabhuji has a special mercy of Aindra Prabhu on him.


All glories to HG Madhav Prabhu and his team members.

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I was trying to click the above picture of a devotee deep in the trance of Holy name when I heard a flurry of activity on my right side. I could see in the camera frame itself that devotees were turning to greet someone. As I hastily turned, and my phone shook to get the above hazy picture, I saw Guru Maharaj walking in with his ever enchanting smile.

Guru Maharaj was back in the temple ! After HG Madhav Prabhuji’s kirtan was over Guru Maharaj glorified and thanked him for such wonderful kirtan and how they are so popular throughout the world. They too were all praise for Guru Maharaj and the temple.

The Last session of the Kirtan Mela was led by Guru Maharaj. What can one say now! Guru Maharaj started with a slow pace and then picked up the beats. For the fourth time in the day the whole temple was again dancing jubilantly. Devotees won’t let Guru Maharaj stop the Kirtan! Children, women, elders, everyone was dancing on the tune of Guru Maharaj.


After the ecstatic kirtan Guru Maharaj gave a brief but serious lecture on the importance of Hari Nama. He said that the whole purpose of organising the Kirtan mela was to attract people to chant of the Holy name of the Lord.

By hearing just one full day of kirtana I felt as if my soul is satiated till its very core.

It was already 9.15 pm and we all had another dose of sumptuous prasadam. After spending some time with Vineet Prabhu, I retired to my room around 11.45pm.

All glories to the Kirtan mela.

All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga.


Hare Krishna.

After I started aspiring for HH Bhakti Charu Swami Maharaja, I would regularly write  him to please let me know how can I please him. The only answer I got till date was to serve the temple where I was attached, during a personal discussion. I took it to my heart and try to serve whatever opportunities come my way. I am greatful to HG Rukmini Krishna prabhuji to engage me in some some small services.

In April this year there was an announcement that we can serve Guru Maharaja by transcribing his lectures. I jumped upon the opportunity thinking I get to serve Guru Maharaja directly and I would also learn so much by transcribing his lectures. The first lecture came for 10 minutes of transcription and I did it in 3 days with a lot of enthusiasm. It took me 2 hours to transcribe it. Then came the next instruction that each lecture is to be transcribed in full, which meant each person will transcribe approx. 1 hour of Audio. I tried a lot but could not finish the first lecture till date. Utter shame, so much for my service attitude. I conveniently forgot about it but read all the transcribed lectures with great curiosity that are were being posted regularly by other sincere devotees.

Against this background let me discuss two devotees and my dear god-brothers, HG Ananda Krishna Prema Das and HG Atmarama Krishna Das, popularly known as Anand prabhu and Atma prabhu. I will not get into their material qualifications, I can share that they passed out from world famous universities and worked in the best of companies. I can proudly say that  I haven’t seen any one else as devoted to Guru Maharaja as both my god- brothers. Humble to the core, they shadow Guru Maharaj, work as his secretaries, are dedicated to each of his project and always ensure that Guru Maharaj gets proper rest, important decisions are taken and they still remain in the background.  I saw at Ujjain, when I stayed with Atma Prabhu for a day, how while taking a nap after a long day he would get up in seconds when some prabhuji will knock to ask that Guru Maharaja was calling him. There is no day or night for them in the service of Guru.

In addition to their professional lives, dedication to Guru Maharaja’s projects, they serve MVT, GBC and other ISKCON projects in various capacities.

Whenever I get some service and feels frustrated by that chore, I think about them and try to push forward in my service. They are a benchmark which I know I can only aspire. I am proud to have such god-brothers.

HG Ananda Krishna Prema Das ki Jaya.

HG Atmarama Krishna Das ki Jaya.

All glories to Guru Maharaja.

All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga.

Wonderful Devotees of Surat

Hare Krishna.


During his last trip I told Guru Maharaja that we hardly get to spend any time with him, even when he comes to Gurgaon he is always so busy. I mentioned how Priti remarked the other day that it will be better to take a flight with Guru Maharaja from Kolkatta to Delhi. He invited us to fly with him to Surat and spend time with him. At first I thought he must be joking but then knowing him a little I knew he would not make any casual remark. We had renovations happening at our new apartment, we gave the labour the weekend off, sent the kids to grandparents and off we went to Surat. Guru Maharaj met us at the airport, he was flying from Patna. Anand Prabhu was with him, joining for us for Surat.

I didn’t get to sit with Guru Maharaja as they had checked in before us.

Surat holds a special place in my heart. I was here in last January to attend Guru Maharaj’s seminar on Brahma Samhita. I’d stayed at Sri Sri Radha Damodar temple, its right on the bank of river Tapti. The temple has very beautiful deities and has wide open areas around it.  I was very fortunate to get association of a very senior devotee HG Nanda Vraja Dasa from Auckland that time, as his room partner. He gave me many practical suggestions to improve my sadhna bhakti, which I followed and reaped the benefits.

While we landed at Surat airport and waited for the luggage to arrive, Guru Maharaj walked straight out to a loud sankirtan by devotees. They were outside but every one in the airport could hear their enthusiastic kirtan. It was a rousing welcome.

We too were very warmly welcomed by the devotees when we came out. We were staying at a devotee’s home in the same complex where Guru Maharaja was staying so it was very convenient.

All the devotees were very warm & welcoming, within half an hour Guru maharaja was giving his first class. From Friday evening till Sunday evening, he gave classes almost 4-5 times a day. And in times between his preaching, traveling and meetings he was served like a king  by the local devotees. Guru Maharaja stayed with us for a day before leaving for Patna, we were to shame by the hospitality of Surat devotees.  Everything was A grade and very well planned.  We promised ourselves to rise to their benchmark whenever Guru Maharaja visits us next time.

The devotees themselves seemed a very tightly knit group led by HG Mukund Priya Prabhuji and his wife. They left no stone unturned for Maharaja. They were ably supported by other local devotees. It all seemed like a clipping from one of the Suraj Barjatia’s big festivity film scenes with a spiritual twist and Guru maharaja at the center.

I don’t know how those two days passed but they seemed more like three or four days as something was always happening. We visited Sri Sri Radha Damodar temple and took darshan of the beautiful deities on Sunday.

I bring very warm memories of this trip and will cherish them for a long period. We got constant association of Guru Maharaj and met such warm, happy and enthusiastic group of devotees. My humble obeisances and many thanks to Vijay prabhuji, Mukesh Prabhuji,  Vishambhar Prabhuji and so many other prabhujis and matajis whose name I don’t remember but whose hospitality we enjoyed shamelessly.

I will discuss another beautiful realisation at Surat in a separate blog.

All Glories to Guru Maharaja.

All Glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga.

How I met my Guru Maharaj

Hare Krishna.

It was April 2012.  One day when I came back home from office my wife told me that there is a guest joining us for the evening Arti. I was surprised and then thought she must be trying to pull a fast one on me.  As we were about to begin our Arti, the bell rang and sure enough, a tall and handsome Vaisanava entered our house. I was taken aback. He joined us for the arti. He was very gentle and calm, his cousin brother was staying on the floor above us and he was visiting him and met my wife in the lift. He spoke about HH Bhakti Charu Swami maharaj and asked me whether I have heard about him, I replied in negative. He told me that maharaj is arriving in Gurgaon next day for a short trip. He left soon.

Later, I inquired from my wife what made her invite him at our home  ? She replied that when she saw him in the lift she found him extremely peaceful and a good aura around him. She could not stop herself and told him that there is `another one like him’ at our home, who gets up early and start chanting and invited him over. The name of that Vaishanava is Mukunda Das from Ujjain.

I went to the address next evening. It was called Radha Niwas, house of an exalted devotee HG Radheshyam Prabhuji. It was all very peaceful in the house. There were many devotees who had come to meet Maharaj. He met me soon. Like a parrot, I narrated my entire short spiritual journey to him, sitting under his feet. I talked and talked. He heard me patiently,  advised me to continue what I am doing. Later, he took a very nice class in the evening, sang beautiful bhajan. I could see that with his mere presence he seemed to have made everyone around him very peaceful and happy. He was accessible. It was joy all around him.

I came back home and realised that something is amiss, for a few days I could not put my finger to it. Then I realised that my heart was no longer with me. Lord Balram finally sent his representative for me. He is the one. And he took my heart away. I wrote my first mail to Guru Maharaj on the morning of 10th April surrendering myself at his lotus feet, got his reply the same evening and my life was never the same again.

HG Mukunda Prabhuji ki Jaya.

HH Bhakti Charu Swami Maharaj ki Jaya.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

All Glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga.

Simple heart Vs self pity

I learnt an important lesson on June 10th this year.

I was getting myself deeper into a self pity mode.  That’s when I read one transcription of HH Romapad swami maharaj. He instructed that `we should not let ourselves fall into self pity mode and it is best to keep our heart simple and and always be greatful to the Lord for what he has given us.’

These words stuck me like thunder and I realise that I have to snap out of this self pity mode and I did it. Thank you so much Maharaj for this wonderful instruction.

Over the time I realised that as we become more greatful to Krishna our hearts turns softer and softer. I also realise that as our dependence on Krishna increases, He guides us.

To those who are constantly devoted to serving Me with love, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me. (Bg 10.10)

Thank you Srila Prabhupada for constantly showing right directions to a neophyte like me, I know you are there with us, guiding each of your follower and well wisher.

Lasting impressions

Hare Krishna


I was talking with a close devotee friend, Sumeet Gupta Prabhuji, yesterday evening. While talking to him I realised how so many senior devotees have left their mark on me. I am sharing some of them to show my deep appreciation for them. And there are hundreds of others senior devotees in ISKCON from whom we get inspiration every day.

The first one to leave his imprint, continues to do it, HG Rukmini Krishna Das Prabhuji, he is the temple president of Sri Sri Radha Radhika Raman and Krishna Balram temple, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi. Let me admit that whatever little sadhna bhakti I have in me is all thanks to him. His lectures shaped me each time I listened to him and I was fortunate to be able to get his direct instructions which saved me many a times whenever I felt constrained or disturbed. The only good thing I have done in my spiritual life is to go to him and share whatever I felt inside me openly. Looking back, I can laugh at myself and my silly questions or agitations on small issues. He always heard me patiently and gave instructions which saved me from going astray. He takes class every Saturday and each lecture is a gem to be absorbed in heart and follow. The centre is one of the best in India and dedication to Srila Prabhupada and ISKCON runs supreme.

Second is a short description. During my initial years I one day saw lots of hustle and bustle in Punjabi Bagh temple and I found someone special is visiting. I couldn’t get the name initially and listened to his lecture, it was mesmerising. I later told my wife, rather foolishly, that after listening to his lecture I felt like leaving everything and walking behind him. My wife suffered a lot of insecurity due to this foolish statement to her and she many a time would tell me that she dreams that one of the western devotees has taken her husband away with them J . Even today I remember the power and conviction his lecture had and I am sure that if he would stood up and asked who would like to dedicate his life to Krishna, I would have raised my hand. I can only imagine what effect Srila Prabhupada had on these young disciples. That person is HH Giriraj Swami Maharaj. I am most fortunate to be called his servant in my spiritual name.

Third one is very special, he gave me diksha this year in Feb, HH Bhakti Charu Swami Maharaj. I met him two and a half years ago in Gurgaon, another good story for some other time as to how Krishna makes us meet our Guru. I paid my obeisances and my life was never the same again. I had know idea who he was, I just knew that he took my heart away with him. I could not keep him out of my thoughts and within days I pleaded with him to take me under his shelter and he took pity on me and accepted me as his son and disciple. He inspires me everyday and shapes me. Most of all he cemented my relationship with ISKCON as an organisation, my strong love and attachment for ISKCON and Srila Prabhupada today is all his mercy.

And the last on today’s list is HH Radha Govinda swami maharaj. What a speaker, what style of katha and so much rasa in every sentence, in every word. HG Karuna Chandra Das recommended listening to his lectures. He made me lose interest in philosophy and learn to absorb Krishna katha, from Bhishma stuti, Giriraj Dharan lila, Bali Maharaj, Prahalad Stuti….., each katha is dipped in love for Krishna. I hope to take his darshan very soon in Vrindavan Dham.

Today morning, at a Bhakti Vriksha seminar, I was told that we can only give what we have. If we have a grief then we can give grief , if we have anxiety then we can pass on anxiety and only if we have Krishna then we can offer Krishna consciousness to others. All these senior Vaisanavas gave me Krishna Consciousness, it is entirely my lack of receptiveness that I am still a neophyte. I should rather say that despite all my shortcomings and material propensities I still tasted Krishna’s nectar due to their pure consciousness.

I will write about my realisations from other senior Vaisanavas soon.

All Glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

  • Posted by Giriraj Das on August 8,2013 at 5:26pm

My Guru Maharaj

My Guru is the very life of me.

He is Caitanaya MaharaPrabhu for me, though I am completely unqualified, he took me under his shelter

and told me my relationship with Krishna.

He is Sanatana Goswami for me, who has convinced me about this relationship.

He is Rupa Goswami for me, who is teaching me how to do my prescribed duties.

He is Raghunath Das Goswami for me, who is teaching me what is the goal of my life.

By his mercy alone I can dream of having, one day, the pure love of Krishna within my heart.

He is the one who can get me the `adhikar’ to serve Holy Dhama.

He is only one who will make me see Radha and Krishna in MahaPrabhu.

He will one day bring out my real spiritual self and give me the right to serve Krishna’s associates.

He will cut the knots of my false love and attachment with this material world.

I can just beg my Guru, and all the Vaishanavas, to bless me in my devotional service to develop Bhava.

  • Posted by Giriraj Das on May 19, 2013 at 9:15pm